The Period Drama
Drama as a genre:
“A drama film is a film genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes… such as… moral dilemmas, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, sexuality, poverty, class divisions, violence against women and corruption that put the characters in conflict with themselves, other, society and even natural phenomena. Drama… includes subgenres such as romantic drama, sports films, period drama, courtroom and crime” -
The Period Drama as
a genre
“A historical period drama is a work of art set in, or reminiscent of, an earlier time period. The term is usually used in context of film and television. In an informal crossover term that can apply to several genres but is most often heard in context of historical dramas and romances” -
As genre definitions go, the period drama has a considerable
amount of rules – Most importantly that it is set in the past and conforms to the context that is trying
to be achieved. As it is a subgenre,
the period drama must also conform to
themes and motifs within drama films which involves the development of a
protagonist in an in-depth, ‘realistic’ way. Since the story will not take
place in a modern setting, the period drama must conform to its time period for sake of continuity and plausibility.
For example, an Italian 17th Century Duke would not be wearing
Therefore, when perusing the period drama, production must have a clear sense of
historical accuracy in mind of setting, dialogue and costume. This is why
the period drama can also be referred to as a ‘Costume Drama’ (
It is also notable to mention that many
period dramas are based on classical literature that has captured the
imagination of many. The period drama is not time-exclusive but many reputable
works originating from the 18th and 19th Century - with
key romantic works from authors like Austen, Bronte and Hardy - have found
themselves to be adapted successfully on screen several times.
In terms of my production, I will be focusing on the hybrid subgenre of Romantic Period Drama
which focuses, traditionally, on the interaction
of a male and female whilst using usual drama themes of moral dilemmas,
class divisions, sexuality and violence against women. These themes are very
relevant in the late 18th /
early 19th Century which is the time period that I shall focus on
when analysing, understanding and learning about the period drama as a
genre. This knowledge will then influence my product.
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